As a Casual Player, Grand Heists disappearing after one wing is incredibly demoralizing. Add a stash/vendor to the staging area for Grand Heists, please.
As a casual player (can only play a couple hours a night due to having kids), I only recently made it to maps. I've enjoyed the heist mechanic, as it's given me access to some decent uniques that have helped me level and get over some gearing humps.
I tried a grand heist for the first time a few days ago, got through the first wing, hauling a bunch of cool loot, and decide to take a trip back to town to unload all of my ill-gotten gains. I sell stuff to Faustus, turn around to head back to the other wings, aaaand... there's no return portal to the grand heist. It's gone. 90% of the coins I've accumulated are gone, with little to show for it.
I then see on Reddit that they've pushed a patch to fix players getting put into a different instance, which causes their portal to the Grand Heist to disappear. Great, I think! I'll try another one tonight! So I log in, dump about half my markers into a blueprint, and start it up. Start the first wing, load up on loot, and get back to the staging area. I hesitate... Should I give up all this gear I just got and just head into the next wing because I might get something better? Or should I take a risk and head back to town. After all, GGG said it was fixed! So, I returned to the Rogue Harbor and... the portal was gone. Nada. Nothing. I do the whole portal back and forth between my hideout thing 10 times, and nope. All those markers, again, gone.
Look, GGG, I am a dad, so I don't have a crazy amount of time on my hands. It's just incredibly frustrating when I'm trying to engage in the mechanics, and this kind of stuff happens. You made the decision to make the Rogue Harbor a shared "town" area, which is fine, but if you're going to do that, you need to either:
- Lock the player to a single Rogue Harbor instance to prevent them from losing their Grand Heist portal (which you're seeming to try to do...)
- Or put a stash and/or Faustus in the staging area for the Grand Heist.
Look, I'm a software developer, too. I get it, tracking down bugs like this is hard. Sometimes we have to make small compromises in our vision to make it so that users don't have a terrible time. I know having a stash/vendor in the staging area kind of breaks immersion, but if you can't nail the tech, that's an ok workaround measure.
After I lost my Grand Heist tonight, I just immediately logged out. I had planned on playing more, but after that, it just totally broke my will to play. I'm not even sure I'll log in tomorrow. I like this game a lot, but when things happen like this that disrespect my limited free time, I can't justify spending more time or money on it.