Breastfeeding difficulties.

Babies were born at 37 weeks on 26/10 and now they're 5 days old pretty much.

I've been trying my darndest to breastfeed them both individually and two at the same time.

It's been difficult getting them to latch on but all work out each time a specialist like midwife or a nurse is with us. However, when we do it ourselves, it's ridiculously difficult.

So they suggested that I should pump out the milk and also try the breastfeeding until they're strong enough to latch on properly and have the energy to keep up.

I constantly feel this pressure in both of my eyes too, plus dizziness & lightheadedness. I keep forgetting to sleep and when I sleep, it's probably max under 4 hours.

The medical staff suggested a little bit of formulas so I can sleep longer at night to recover but my partner doesn't understand that and would get upset at the idea since I make lots of milk. He said and I quote, "Might as well just abort your kids then if you cannot take care of them." It hurt me greatly that he doesn't seem to care about my well-being at all.

Other than that, any suggestions? Any advice?

Thank you.

Update: The baby was screaming. I held her. I didn't know what else to do. He said she's screaming because she knows I am her idiotic mother.