White paint recommendations

My partner & I are moving into a place we're really excited about. It has an "old" style in many ways, most of which we find charming... but some of which we'd like to change. The biggest offender is mustard-colored walls in the living room, which we plan to paint white.

I've been learning and absorbing info about white paints (and all the intricacy!), but figured I'd ask plainly here - what is a good white for a very warm room to brighten it up and add a modern touch?

Reference video (apologies for the balcony interlude, but hopefully it adds lighting context): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1xRR2GX8tvyVlfNl7dowePFGcqEtYjfqP/view?usp=drivesdk

We're aren't planning to change the colors of anything structural in the kitchen, or the floors, stairs, fireplace, or patio - although we will likely replace the chandelier with a medallion or something more modern, and also replace the sconces with something more modern. We have a taupe couch which we might bring.

Overall color palette is TBD, but I tend to prefer whites with warm accents and either bold gemstone hues, or possibly pastels. The balcony is east-facing, and the video was taken early/mid afternoon.

Thanks for any recommendations!