I helped a stranger

Juzi I was travelling from Embu to Kirinyaga and was seated at the far left side near the window (I like watching people go on with their stuffs). I was among the first guys to get in so like always, lazima we had to wait for other guys ndo ijae.

Right before me, seated this grey haired old guy so quite and chill; he had like 2 big envelopes with him(I had just one), was in a brown coat without sleeves and he had specs too.

Aside me, sat this chic, she seemed worried, tired and I stressed. Her face said it all. Conductor comes around and ask her for her money and the girl was like, niandikie hiyo number ya Mpesa on a paper I send you the money. The thing is, she had no money upfront like in her account. I wanted to help, I really did but I was on a tight budget, even a shilling mattered for all I was to do that day.

I looked at her deep in her eyes and just couldn't take it no more so I asked if it's fare haitoshi ama what was the problem. She said her man was to send her fare but bado hajamuekea. To cut the embarrassing ya kunangaliwa na hao travellers wengine, I took out my phone and sent her the money she needed to pay for her journey and I knew I fucked my budget but deep down I'm like, "I'm a man and I'll be fine." I made her smile and light up throughout the journey till I alighted after I saved her number though; she texted before i got where I was headed

As we wait the old guy became restless and called the driver and akamuuliza why the wait? Driver akasema ni wateja anang'oja, the mzee was like, "Count the empty seats I'll pay ndo we get going rn." It kept me wondering, so he was capable of helping this chic but that wasn't his role to play, mmh and that's okay, it was a good day that day and everyone was happy.