How did you heal/move on???

Just as the titles reads I really wanna hear how you moved on from a terrible heartbreak or fallout. I've been with my partner for 2 years we both made each other a priority and we used to consider each other on everything we do and whatever decisions we make. Literally I felt complete with my partner. We recently felt apart not in bad terms or whatsoever but yes we decided to end things just for the better part of our future. At times I feel so happy and then it just hits me so bad when I remember her and this feeling is taking a pinch of me every time and totally draining me. I don't have as much friends just my best friend and family of which my family is not aware about this since I plan talking to them on a face to face encounter rather than on a phone call. At times I feel like am hating myself. Like this evening am feeling being at my lowest. Look I ain't acting weak whatsoever if you've been truly in love then you'd understand me. Or maybe it's my mind playing tricks on me. I hate to see my self this way 😢