20F, house got locked 2months ago. Most nights I've been sleeping in a vacant bedsitter near my pal's house. Urgently need any job or task to keep me from being homeless.

Just discovered this platform. I had a small job that ended due to the floods and I have been scraping by to survive since then.

I've been washing clothes for people and cleaning hotels when there's a chance in exchange for food. I'm in a very bad place.

My friend hosted me for a couple weeks and felt I was becoming a burden so she kicked me out.

As much as it may sound, this is far from a sympathy post. I work hard and will ready go the extra mile when given the opportunity. Life just punched me in the face so bad this time.

I'm badly need any job to keep me afloat. I don't have friends and my parents are in the village and in pretty bad shape financially so I can't ask them for anything.

I'm a brilliant salesperson and used to sell clothes in my previous job. I can also do any other job such as laundry work, cleaning houses, cooking, baby sitting, literally anything except prostitution or anything that borders such.
