I am lacking any motivation in life

I’m a 16 year old boy from Australia. I am not motivated to do any school work. I am not motivated to go to the gym, or exercise, or sleep well, or eat well. I am in fine shape and I keep up at school enough, but I am not the person I once was.

I average 30 hours of work a week as a 16 year old and I am just drained from it. I play team sports but don’t exercise enough outside of that. Most importantly, I get minimum amount of sleep from being on my phone late at night and during the day I am addicted to games and youtube and social media that I get no work done at all.

Family life isn’t going well either, and I have found myself smoking, vaping and drinking to get over the irrelevant struggles of my life. Furthermore, I have grown up as a Christian and feel like my relationship with God is next to none.

I need help to feel motivated to be a better person and to be as motivated as I once was. Please suggest what you can.