Confused and hurt
I need to rant about my mother-in-law..
So last night my baby boy said his first word “Momma” and we caught the audio on his baby monitor.
I texted her that he said his first word as I’m trying to include her in important moments in my baby’s life. She said he’s going to be so smart and telling me to use flash cards with him (all nice things) then she says -
“Cherish every single moment before you know it, he’ll be waving bye to you at the door”
I thought that was so weird to say, so I replied that I don’t expect him to live with me his whole life. Then she says “No, but it happens especially little boys that are so close to their mamas when they leave leave home and start their new life. You become second.”
Like wtf?? I try to tell her about a milestone in her grandsons life and she’s telling me how he’s going to grow up and leave me, like no shit he will eventually grow up and leave the house. I don’t get why she would bring that up after telling her he said his first word?
Her behavior is so strange to me, and it also pisses me off how she tries to defend her comments and backtrack and make any excuse she can. She called my husband after this text exchange and said “your wife is extremely pissed off at me” trying to “get me I trouble” basically.
She always calls him anytime I say something she disagrees with or any conflict at all. She processed to yell and get upset about my texts to her, and he had to eventually just hang up on her because she was inconsolable. She refused to admit she said anything wrong and repeated her other messages that were nice and sweet but not the other messages that I included here. Basically I’m the bad guy for thinking she said something wrong. She later texted me that she was talking about a song lyric (oh okay that makes perfect sense)
Was I wrong to think her reaction was out of line ? I understand she was saying kids grow up fast but it felt like she took it too far. Advice on how to proceed? So far I haven’t replied to her and really don’t want to say anything to her. She will just keep denying she said anything wrong.
And for those wondering yes my husband did stick up for me when she called him (kind of) he said what she said was really negative but she kept getting angrier and angrier when he sided with me so he kept telling her to calm down and just agreeing with her to get her to chill.