Question about official Yoto cards
I am new to Yoto and learning a lot from y’all. I’ve seen a few comments that if someone else plays your Yoto cards in their players, that it will remove that content from your Yoto library. I’m a little confused about that- when I was still waiting for my Yoto to arrive, I scanned a friend’s cards into my app, and they seem like they’re playing fine for me, and I know they’re still working for my friend. When I received my cards, I scanned them into that same friend’s app, and it seems like all of mine are still working and I am assuming they’ve been able to link them to their MYO without trouble but I haven’t confirmed yet. Can anyone confirm whether sharing physical cards like that would cause the content to disappear? I honestly had no idea that might happen or that it wouldn’t be okay by Yoto, since it allowed me to do it, would love to know if it’s going to be a problem!