enlarged spleen 1yr after mono?

20F, 15yrs remission of ALL. the last month and a half i’ve been nauseous and vomiting, had the flu and covid at the same time first wk of november. about 3wks ago i went to the ER with continued flu symptoms, N/V, and 103 fever. found out my spleen was enlarged but not to what degree, they didn’t tell me. saw my hem/onc dr last week, got another CT today w and w/o contrast (chest, abdomen, pelvis) but won’t know anything for a bit bc of christmas. i started having immune and spleen issues in oct 2023 when i got a severe case of mono. my counts were crazy low, spent a week in the hospital bc they thought my leukemia was back and they didn’t test for mono til day 6. this same bout flared up in feb 2024. i’ve gotten sick very easily and it hits me hard since this started. my hem/onc has done two CBC w differential, a bunch of standard blood tests, and immunoglobulin. the only off thing is mild anemia (11.7 hemoglobin iirc) and something that was like the size/volume of my RBC. so, my spleen is still enlarged. it’s painful sometimes with pangs when i lay down and breath deep. i’m nauseous and taking zofran like candy (/j) because i puke up every meal i eat. i asked for an h pylori test and it was negative. it’s been a year of this mess. i’m kind of desperate and was just wondering if anyone had advice as to what we might be able to do/test next? i know it sounds superficial to say this has ruined my life, because im relatively healthy, but i had to drop my sorority bc of how sick i stay, it affected my grades last spring, and im just so physically exhausted all the time. any guidance would be appreciated!