This game has some really glaring mechanical inconsistencies that need to be addressed

There isn’t a ton of them but they’re really big and seem to have no rhyme or reason. Why is it when Cloak and Dagger or Invisible Woman die then their Ult vanishes, but Moon Knight’s doesn’t? Anything that “persists” should be tied to a character being alive but it doesn’t seem to for him, and it doesn't for Rocket either. When Rocket dies his ult stays around, but his revival beacon doesn’t. Why? He's a healer too, if anything I would expect it to vanish ust like the other Healer's ults vanish. It’s frustrating how some continue functioning and some dont and it makes no sense.

Then there’s other things like why does killing a Loki clone reset Bucky’s Ult, and if Wolverine attacks it his rage meter builds up, and if there's a clone in Thor's bubble it restores a hammer. But when Strange attacks a clone it does nothing to build his magic meter. Nor does it shorten the cooldown of Namor's Monstro's when he attacks it with his primary fire. It also doesn't lower Psylocke's ability cooldown when she shoots a clone. Damaging clones also doesn't build ult charge.

This is absolutely maddening. Why is there so much inconsistency? If they want to add some sort of classifier as "Player controlled enemy" for some abilities then do that for some clarity. But otherwise just make it all or nothing. Make the clones function as another enemy on the field that gives all the same benefits of being hit as any other player character, or make them full on dummies who are decoys that don't give any value to being attacked besides Loki have less clones to heal from.