What's next?

Hello, calon 2024 here. 13 more days until D-day starts, 33 Days until D-day ends. This post is not specifically on academic, more on a broader spectrum of work and education pathway.

Yes I will focus on my SPM first, im writing this because I know that I will either forget or just not do it, so right now is the golden opportunity. I have a simple question: what should I do after finishing my last paper? Or better yet, what do you wish you had done after completing your last paper, both in the short term and long term?

Now a lot will say get a part time job, which is what im also planning, but then alot of other unnecessary things start come to mind. Cana daftar KWSP? SOCSO how? Kena bayar income tax ke? should i take a gap year or not? matrix or a-level? PTPTN student debt cana bayar if i dont get a good job? alot of adult thing already starts coming to mind, not long till i get uban lol.

Here is my plan for both long and short.

Short Term (2 - 3 months before receiving SPM result)

  • Find a part time job (hopefully target 1k after potongan wajib)
  • Spend time with family and friends more (traveling)
  • find my own philosophy in life
  • learn a high valuable skill (editing and technical analysis)

Long Term (After result)

  • Sign up for matrix or A-levels.
  • find a job.
  • work until pencen lol

I havent really thought that far yet, but are these plans realistic? or aku ni ada masalah otak sikit...? This is gonna sound cringe but my career goal is to be a trader or just in general, be in the investment sector. I feel like life is very linear. born, school, work, create family, die. But i know its more than that, but my parent make it seem like thats how life is. I yearn for something more, am i wrong to think like that? Sorry if i went off track.