[DE] Safi is an awful character

Safi is a genuine piece of shit who I have no sympathy for whatsoever. Her “revenge tour” is some of the most self-centred bullshit I’ve ever seen in my life. She ruins a guy’s relationship with his kid and frames a well-respected teacher for drug-dealing and gets her fired, all because she feels guilty for not standing up for her dead friend when she had the chance. She shoots her Mom point-blank with zero remorse and didn’t seem to give a shit whether she lived or died, even after Max busted her ass to fix the timelines.

The whole game it just felt like Safi had no care for the consequences of her actions - which I guess could make for an interesting villain in a choice-based game. But that would require a) the game having choices that mattered, and b) the game actually treating Safi like a villain. At the end, if you reject her plan for what can only be interpreted as a total abuse of her and Max’s powers, she responds with a very sinister “See you soon,” and shape-shifts into Max before disappearing.

I have no idea what the developers were thinking, having the climax of the game focus on this complete asshole and “what we did to her”, as Vinh puts it. Which, by the way, what the fuck is that even supposed to mean?

The game so obviously should have been about Maya, the way S1 was about Rachel.