[CA] Dog Urination/Defecation, possible trespassing?

This is specifically in regards to LA County. I’m asking these questions because I DON’T want to be a douche to my neighbors/people on my block so I want to make sure I’m doing the right thing.

I walk my dogs in my neighborhood, always on a leash. I try to curb my dogs as much as possible but just in case, I always have poop bags and pick up once my dogs are done. But I have a question in regards to unfenced yards.

  1. Is this considered trespassing if the yard is unfenced?
  2. And any rules on urine? As I can not find any specifically.

All I can find in regards to this is from LA counties animal control website, which states:

“Pet owners are required by County ordinance to ensure their pets are not a nuisance to others. This includes regularly removing and disposing of pet waste from one’s private property as well as removing and discarding their pet’s waste that has been deposited on others’ property as well as public property.”