Why the Democrats (and Republicans) are so focused on identity politics, in the US?

The Democrats and Republicans, instead of debating on policies that actually matter to the people, debate on "inclusive" politics that are superficial (sometimes beneficial, but not settled), as a way to do partisan bickering. But why do those parties bicker despite being similar?

Here, I wrote an argument against the excessive focus on identity politics, as they are in the US:

Both Democrats and Republicans have failed to deliver for the working class, which represents most of the population, prioritizing the interests of big business and the wealthy instead. Meanwhile, identity politics has become a distraction from the real issue: people's daily struggles.

It's time to focus on the issues that matter: welfare, unions, minimum wage, worker's rights, healthcare, climate action, among others. These are the things that can actually improve our lives and create a more just society.

The fact that politicians can't even agree on basic human rights is very wrong and weird. The Democrats are just as bad as the Republicans when it comes to serving corporate interests. It's time to move beyond party affiliations and focus on what really matters: a politician's commitment to solidarity, equality, and justice.

A politician's identity or party label is irrelevant if they're not genuinely committed to creating a better world. What matters is their policy substance, not their skin color or gender. It's time to focus on class, not identity. We're all in this together, and it's time to start acting like it.

Please note that I don't even understand what's the point of partisan bickering besides entertaining the masses on TV. I do support inclusion and diversity, affirmative action and anti-discrimination (so, I'm not anti-POC or ignorant of minority causes), but they should not dominate over more important problems like healthcare and exploitation by corporations.

While it seems I answered my own question, why the masses on a large of portion of the political spectrum like watching the parties, which are nearly the same, bicker?