Why are some league players toxic as hell ??

Context :I haven't played league in a lot since i was focus on my work and some family issues. Earlier today i decided to play a ranked game. I thought why not it would ne cool to see all the new changes to my mains. i queued up top and sadly lost the game pretty bad its then that the support send me a friend request; i accept it thinking he wanted to duo or just wanted to try to tell me about my mistakes. Instead his first message was "go piss on your dead mother you bronze pig". So it started as a back and forth of him insulting me and i trying to explain to him that mistakes happen and that i tried my best until the end of the game. then he pulls out the "Actually I'm Diamond 1" which is not surprising for his ego and insisted that i get in a voice call with him. That is when i realized that even in a voice call he wouldn't stop trashing me so ofc I denied him that and the conversation ended with him stating that i should stop playing online games. Like i could understand frustration if the player was clearly running it down but even then this level of hostility is honestly shocking to say the least. i know that everyone is not as toxic but this really made me remember just how insane some of these players are