What motivates you to keep you playing LoL?

I'm an old player. Played for a few weeks during season 1 but started playing intensively back on 2014 during the beginning of season 4.

As the seasons passed I've just lost the interest on the game, everytime I queue I feel like I'm obligating myself to play and everytime I'm playing in thinking to myself "I'm not having fun and I could be doing something else".

I tried to resinstall League after a 4 month break, and I only played for two days before deciding I had enough reasons to uninstall it again. So, that made me wonder, what do other players see in the game that motivates them to keep playing?

My personal reasons for 0 motivation are: - I just don't have the patience anymore for 30-50+ min matches - I play mainly ranked, most of my friends play for fun so I play alone most of the time - Every queue feels like a roulette, you can get the worst or the best team (usually the worst), nothing in between - I enjoy a lot supporting roles/champs, but I despise supporting mediocre players who can't win games

I've come to the conclusion that I just like watching the game be played and analyze it, than play it myself.