Problems with klipper setup, both v4.2.2 and skr mini e3 V3

I'm want to get into klipper, but i can't connect the raspberry to the mcu. No matter what i do, it says that klippy can't connect to the mcu on both boards. I got raspberry 3B if that will help. I've seted up everything in menuconfig like said in files and tutorials. Anyone know what could be the issue? Klipper on raspberry is working from what i see.

Edit: I've pluged in screen from ender5 pro and it stills shows marlin. I've downloaded bin once again from rpi, pluged sd card in and turned board on and it still runs marlin. Any ideas? There are couple jumpers in box of board, should i pluged them somewhere in order for it to work?

Edit2: Problem solved. File wasn't named properly. It has to be named "firmware.bin". Board connects to rpi now. Thanks to everybody who wanted to help.