2025 Summer Finance Internships in NYC: Can't seem to get one!

I moved to NYC last fall as an international student for my Masters in Finance. I have previous internship experience in financial reporting and zero full time experience. Since I moved here I've been trying to network with people and also apply to positions online via LinkedIn, Handshake and what not. I try to filter my search and apply to as many positions as seem fit for a newbie. I even managed to get a referral from someone through LinkedIn and did a HireVue interview.. however, that did not work out. I was upset but I moved on because it was in October and I thought I have time so I should not beat myself up but now it's the middle of January and I have no prospects, not even an interview to look forward to. I am trying to just keep applying and play the numbers game but I don't know if it will result in something or not.

I know this is a tough spot and I knew that before I chose to come here but I am looking for any advice that you think might work out for me. I really don't want to be idle, unemployed and not earn during summer. Please help. Thank you!