
Is it okay being a mediocre doctor?

What if instead of underachieving my potential, I change it to proficiently average?

What if instead of try, try, try until you succeed, I redefine success to be something more manageable?

What if participation and completion along with collision of mild applause is enough?

What happens if I shoot for the moon and land up in the middle of nowhere.

If I want to be somewhat happy and average instead of sad, lonely and maybe the best, is that okay? If I don’t change the world and the system, if I only help all those I can, is it okay?

I used to be a bright brilliant student, but medicine has this ability to make you feel average, even at your best. I can only imagine what it might make you feel at your rock bottom.

So, dear redditors of r/indianmedschool, my question to you is, is being mediocre okay?

PS: it’s 9:51 am right now, seems like a sad boi hours kind of question. I see the hypocrisy 😪