The Batman Test

My wife and I were talking about Nosferatu and while discussing the events of the movie (no spoilers here) I came up with the Batman Test.

Now I am not a huge fan of horror, but there are defiantly movies and videogames in the genera that I enjoy,. I think for me the Batman Test is really what decides if I would like the movie. So here it goes,

Imagine Batman was with the group of people. Would things have turned out differently? Batman doesn't have superpowers, or magic to solve a problem. In most horror settings his money also won't help much. What Batman does have is peak human fitness, great intelligence, and most importantly an iron will.

I think well written horror is a Greek tragedy. Bad things happen to people because of their character flaws. Batman doesn't have many flaws. So if the movie is well written Batman could solve the problem. On the other hand if the movie is nothing but an unsurvivable meat grinder where Batman also just dies, then I don't find the horror in any way interesting.