Suggestions for tires
Thanks everyone for the suggestions! I read through it all and there is way more choice than I first thought. Very appreciated input.
I'm doing smooth to slightly rough paved with maybe 30% light off-road. I think I want to prioritize speed and puncture resistance over offroad capability. Mainly a road rider really but one that likes to have the option to go offroad if the need arises.
I end up looking at the Terra Speeds but my friends are saying they are still going to be sluggish for what I want on the pavement. Are there any options for 700x40c that basically are smooth? Or something like Schwalbe Marathon? Which apparently are a bad call for me pushing around 18-20 miles/h (30 ish km/h)... I'm a day touring kind of guy and do long distance over 24 hours. Any suggestions very welcome.