What gaming tips you've been given that you will forever be grateful for ?

Like in the title, what are some tips that you've been given by the community that litteraly made your experience better and that you still Cherish to the day ? I'm usually stubborn as i play games the unga bunga way, try the same strat again and again until it works! But some tips I've been given by the community were so game-changing that i'm forever thankful, 3 in particular: 1- Cheesing the Anor Londo archers with poison arrows, i'm 99% sure that i would've rage quit had i taken them the expected way. 2- Using Margit's shackle to destroy the chariots in the Auriza Tomb, used it yesterday and this litteraly trivialized the dungeon.3-Using the "heal'' incantation to stagger the revenants, i must've died 30 times to those mf in Elphael alone before getting this.