Writing samples of all the pens in my collection

Recently, I got a few more pens: two Jinhao 82s with <F> and fude nibs and a Jinhao 100 with an <M> nib, so I decided to make a writing sample comparing the different nib sizes of all my pens.

I can definitely get some people's frustrations with nib size inconsistency, since the <F> nib is thicker than the <M> nib in my Jinhao 82.

The pens I have in my collection are: Jinhao 82 with an <EF>, <F>, <M>, and fude nibs, Jinhao Dadao 9013 with an <F> nib, Jinhao Centennial 100 with an <M> nib, Jinhao Shark with an <F> nib, and Lamy Safari with an <F> nib.

My favorite writer would have to be Jinhao 82 <M>. The pen itself is the perfect weight and thickness for my hands while the nib width is perfect for my handwriting. And it never skips or hard starts so I think I got lucky with that one.

Right now, I'm having a lot of fun playing with the fude nib. I think it requires a bit of practice to get the angles right but I find it really fascinating. I want to try pens with a flex nib (Kanwrite Desire flex?) and a stub/calligraphy nib (Pilot Prera CM?) next.

I just started collecting fountain pens last December so I sometimes feel this is excessive. 😅 But all the Jinhaos cost just a little more than the Lamy Safari, and the Lamy was technically a gift.