Sketching with Alt-Bordeaux

Sketching with Rohrer & Klingner Alt-Bordeaux (Old Bordeaux Red) with the Jinhao 9013 with an <F> heartbeat nib.

This ink is a deep wine color that turns into a brighter pink-purple color when mixed with water. While some inks become desaturated when mixed with water, I find that this ink becomes a brighter, more vibrant color, almost a different color altogether. That said, I feel that neither this pen nor this ink is really ideal for sketching. This pen writes a bit too wet to make clean lines while this ink has a tendency to feather slightly, plus the color changing issue (or is it a feature?) might be a problem. Still, it's a pretty color.

With this sketch, I've managed to finish the ink inside this converter. So satisfying! Time to move on to another color for this pen.