How to stop getting upset by people switching to their local language at work?
First of all I am slowly but regularly (as in study at least 15 minutes every day, and more intense periods such as when I am taking a course or furing the weekends) learning the local language.
However at my working place, where the working language in english, my colleagues always default to their local language whenever they don't directly speak with me or in lunch or break hours even if I am present.
I understand, it is the local language and they feel more comfortable with it. But I find it to be so... Inconsiderate? Like deliberately excluding me and not giving a damn if I am participating in the conversation or not. And you know if I could work from home I wouldn't care about these people, but I am forced to come to the office for "culture" and yet what I do is sit on my desk all day, call colleagues in other offices or at home that day via Teams, have one or two exchanges and tha lt is it. And like I feel sooo personally offended by them not even making the effort of going back to english when I am there,.it just makes me feel so excluded.
I have actually stopped foing for lunch with them because I have felt ridiculous aitting there for 30+ minutes in absolute silence waiting for someone to switch so I could participate. I don't feel like I have the right to ask them to speak English because after all it is not a work topic or a topic that involves me.
I don't know, does anyone else felt the same? How do you shield yourself from negative thoughts and for feeling sad or frustrated when this happens?