Mob openly spouting death threats against a Muslim to Hindu convert in Bangladesh

For some reason I'm unable to crosspost so here's the link.

Context: There was a young couple, Muslim (F) and Hindu (M), ages are not mentioned in the video. The girl allegedly converted to Hinduism after the guy was caught hanging out at the girl's house.

Summary: This got the mob fuming. They see it as a form of attack against Islam. They casually called for the death of the girl. They are threatening mob violence. They said "Amra take hotta kore dibo kintu oke Hindu hote dibo na." which translates to "We will murder her, but won't let her convert to Hinduism." Their justifications are "a Muslim must remain a Muslim," "To protect the honor of Muslim women."

Note: The second woman called for her death at first or exile her from Bangladesh.