Looking for a perfect e-reader

Hi! I’m looking for a perfect e-reader:) Currently I’m using kindle paperwhite 4 (10th gen), but I’m missing the warm light feature. I would happily stay with kindle, since I like that I can sideload files to kindle app and it synced throughout my kindle, phone and laptop.

Ideally, I would like to stay with approx. 6” screen, as it looks like a perfect size for me. Dark mode and warm light options are essential for me. I’m missing a Bluetooth page turner feature, since I have the one that can clip to the screen, but it’s really not that comfortable. Tbh, this is the only reason why I’m considering other brands than kindle.

I would appreciate a couple weeks battery life, as I’m reading 2-3 hours daily. I’m value the portable size more than having physical buttons.

I’ll appreciate any of your recommendations! If my current kindle had warm light feature and page turner that could connect through Bluetooth, I wouldn’t be even considering a swap, but I’ve started to think that those missing features really downgrade my experience.

Edit: I’m not sure if it’s a standard feature, but I realised that I use the built in dictionary feature to check some words while reading, if it’s not a standard, I think I’ll mark it as necessary too