What tf am I doing wrong
Every single print I do keeps melting on the overhangs and looking like shit, I have tried to calibrate the e-steps, I have tried to lower the bed's temperature after the first few layers (the print just detached from the bed), I always keep the fan at 100% and now I don't know what else to do cause every time I try printing I can see during the print that the filament doesn't solidify quickly enough and the nozzle keeps pushing it around while it extrudes. I uploaded some pictures of my cura settings, if someone could review them I would be so thankful. Something I have noticed is that, just by eyeing it, the printer doesn't seem to slow down that much no matter what setting I put in the speed in the slicer: Im going to upload a video in the comment of this post of how it was printing that benchy, that looks wayy to fast to me to be 40 mm/s, am I doing something wrong with my speed settings? If anyone have the time to read all this stuff and help me you would make my day, thank you so much.