Unexpected arrival of EMS
Hi there - this is kind of an AskEMS situation and I didn't see anything in the rules against it but please feel free to let me know if I'm in the wrong place.
Last night at midnight, I was awoken by two EMS professionals knocking, ringing, and checking the lock status of my door. They were very kind and apologetic and explained that there had been a 911 call to this location. We were all asleep in bed (no loud partying or anything, just a boring fam with young kids that goes to bed on time) and none of our phones or Alexa showed any outbound calls to 911. They said they'd double check with their dispatch and see if they can figure out what happened. They then went back to their vehicle and left a few minutes later, so it wasn't a close address of a nearby home.
We have an extremely unique street name that is only in one quadrant of our city, and Google is telling me all sorts of frightening things about something called "swatting." I guess my question is, in your experience, is it common to end up dispatched to the wrong house? Do address miscommunications happen frequently enough that I don't need to worry about it and chalk it up to chance, or is it worth trusting my gut and finding a path for reporting this situation?
Edit: thank you everyone! Fast and reassuring replies. I appreciate you all for both this and everything you do.