Had my first code as an Ed tech…
I'm sorry if I seem like I ramble in this post but I'm so confused right now and feel like I need to talk about. Ems brought in an 86 yr complaining of vomiting and fainiting to the trauma bay. From there everything happened the way it always did I put him on the monitor and vitals and so on. The doctors and nurses did there thing and after 15 mins he was stable and everyone dispersed. I was near him when all of a sudden he started complaint of extreme belly pain. The nurse came over and palpated his stomach and did notice it was really tender. He kept screaming about it until all of a sudden he lost consciousnes. His heart rate started to slowly plumet, everyone rushed back in the room. Respiratory came and intubated him and then after 5 mins he coded. I was shocked I didn't understand what happened. I was talking to him just 20 something minutes ago. Me and couple of the techs and nurses switched for compressions. He had pads but he was in aystole. We did around 30 mins until the doctor called it. I was in complete shock I just didn't think a situation could turn so bad so fast. They let his son into the bay to see him… he broke down crying. And so he has just been on my mind the last couple of days.