KONAMI doesn't want us to PLAY the game

Right now at this state of the game, KONAMI kinda "block" us from playing, hear me out:

Passing/A.I interceptions: We want to pass the ball, take advantage of the spaces in the field, BUT the A.I get those passes, even if the player wasn't even CLOSE to controlling that player, to the point you might send your opponent left to get an easy pass on the right, and the A.I come to save the day and trigger the "stretched leg animation". And even if you get that pass, it takes 2 seconds for you to have control of the ball, it's like mud. And don't get me wrong I WANT TO BE PUNISHED for taking my players out of position, i want to concede that way, instead i get bailed out at least 10 times in a match i know i should've lost, I'm not asking for offense to be easy, I'm asking "let us play defense for ourselves"

Dribbling/pressure: Since you can't pass, you might try to get some spacing by dribbling, with or without skill moves, since the A.I is busy tracking the space for your opponent it won't get that ball correct? No, we will get it, i don't know how, but even when players dribble me i end up getting the ball, same thing happens against me, again, let me get owned if my opponent is good at dribbling.

There is more but, in general, the biggest things in football are passing and moving around in offense, while the defense tries to stop, but if KONAMI made the game for the A.I to play, and us to participate only, it kinda feels like we just "there" and have no control of the game, and that seems to be the case for a lot of people here.