Train Heist: A Cowboy One Shot 🤠

So I saw a meme online earlier about Cowboys being witches, horses are their familiars, guns are their wands and they only know the shoot spell.

I chuckled but we’ve got a few weeks hiatus from our Roll20 game and part of me wants to run a High Fantasy Western one shot. A train heist.

The idea is in its infancy so I’m here to ask: What cool and interesting hooks and encounters would you run with a western themed one shot and what monster would be its centrepiece?

PC Requirements: - Five players, level 3/5 - Everyone has a hat and a Riding Horse familiar - Possible firearms but I don’t think it’s essential for the theme. Could replace with wands, bows, blades and do just fine. - Free feat, our table loves feats.

Currently on my mind: - Chasing a train on horseback and fighting your way through it - Opportunity for a stand-off

EDIT: Part of me wants to make a level appropriate beholder be the BBEG. Oddly I can see a beholder being a good western crime boss.