She looked through my phone while I was sleeping and read very sensitive texts

I’m 20M and my GF is 19F and we’re both in college; we’ve been dating for about a month. Last night we went to a party together and we both got pretty drunk. I saw two friends (who are girls) at the party and gave them each a quick side hug - I usually do this with my friends that are girls. My gf was apparently irritated by the fact that I hugged them, but I was so drunk that I didn’t realize she was upset about that. After the party we went back to my place and just fell asleep.

This morning we got pretty intimate and got undressed and just messed around (I’m still a virgin and we haven’t gone all the way). Since I’m pretty inexperienced I usually ask one of my close friends with a GF for sex advice, and so I text him in detail about what I do with my gf in bed and he gives me feedback about what I’m doing right or wrong. In the middle of fooling around this morning, my gf stopped me and said “I feel weird doing this… I saw your texts with (insert my friend’s name).”

Turns out that after the party, she went through my text messages while I was asleep to see if I was texting any girls. She read the conversation between me and my friend where I talked about what we did in bed. She said she felt weird doing anything sexual with me when I was sharing our experiences with one of my friends.

I just feel embarrassed, ashamed, and upset. I know it might be wrong to share details of our intimacy with my friend, but it was only for advice. She invaded my privacy by looking through my private conversations trying to find if I was cheating (she found nothing) and in the end she read something extremely embarrassing.

How can I make her feel any better about this and restore our sexual relationship? I feel ashamed and don’t even want to try anything sexual with her anymore because of it.