Need your perspective to land an entry level job
Looking at the current market trends, what skills do you think one should focus on to land an entry level data analyst/data science job in 8-9 months?
Portfolio building, networking and preparing for interviews is already assumed but ...
Our time is limited. We cannot learn and focus on everything. What skills might be best spend on to land a job within this timeframe.
My educational background:
Bachelor of Computing in Information Systems
Currently persuing Msc Data Science and Computational Intelligence. (9 months left to graduate). All courses are finished, just the thesis left.
My professional background:
Have experience as a content writer, content editor, technical writer etc.
Have done an 8 week Software Engineering internship (focused on fullstack JS/TS stack.)
Have done 2 months Internship as a "Data Science intern" but it was focused on web scraping, cleaning data obtained through an API to generate market leads, building proof of concept LLM applications using Langchain and Google Gemini/OpenAI API keys.
I'm from a 3rd world country. I cannot offer you any financial compensation for your detailed guided response even if I really want to (unless it is in Nrs). So, please ignore this post, it you are looking for monetary reward for you high quality response.
Please don't ask me to look at job postings, ask ChatGPT, Google. I've done those things. Job descriptions are like wishlists. If I read a JD, I come up with an impression that I need to have 10 year internship experience with almost every technology imaginable just to land an entry level job. Provide me with your personal perspective.