The never ending journey to find an effective combo of meds

I got diagnosed with cyclothymia about 6 months ago and since then I've been working with my psychiatrist to find the right combo of meds. I'm exhausted and feel like giving up.

I've been taking desvenlafaxine for a couple of years because we all thought it was just depression. It never helped. I'm now also taking lamotragine and nortriptyline. When I first started taking all 3 meds I felt normal and stable for the first time in years. It was like I'd been wading in waist deep water but now I was on dry land. I tried to taper off the desvenlafaxine (because it makes me sleep so much my partner gets worried) but I had a big breakdown so went straight back on it.

Since then I feel like the meds haven't been working at all, even though the same meds seemed to work so well just a month before. My moods are all over the place to the point where I'm missing work or leaving halfway through the day and I'm honestly a little worried I might end up losing my job because of it. My boss is aware of my issues and he's very supportive but I still worry.

I'm now trying a second attempt at going off the desvenlafaxine and I have a prescription for vortioxetine to swap straight onto.

I know it's a long process to find the right meds but I feel like completely giving up and drowning myself in alcohol instead.

Anyway, I think I just needed to rant to someone who actually understands. What helped you get through the frustration of this process?