K1 / K1 Max - Custom Boot Animation
Hi Guys!
Was a little adventurous tonight and started poking around in my rooted K1 Max.
I wrote a basic proof of concept python script that will convert a GIF to the files needed to be copied to your machines for a custom boot animation
Things you will need:
- Root access of your K1 or K1 Max ( Go into Settings of your printer and enable it)
- A SSH Client (I recommend MobaXterm for ease of file transfer) https://mobaxterm.mobatek.net/download.html
- A GIF that you would like to be your new boot animation. (NOTE: 800x480 Recommended, the script will automatically rotate it) Here is the one I used for the example: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/1a/52/72/1a5272880bc97cd3d7b9eb74a5b1765c.gif
- Python https://www.python.org/downloads/
- PoC Python Script https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/t9exs0acdyfk3xg0f8g24/DumpGif.py?rlkey=gee1i32v8npn3to0b8vpqitis&dl=0
Things to do:
- First you will want to create a new folder on your desktop (or anywhere you wish). In this folder place the "DumpGif.py" file and the GIF you have chosen to be your boot animation. (Should probs name the gif something meaningful for identification)
- Drag and drop the gif onto "DumpGif.py" in a few moments a new folder named after the what the gif was named along with a "boot-display.conf" will be generated.
- Open up MobaXterm and login to your printer.
- Navigate to "/etc/boot-display" on the left side panel and copy over to your printer the newly created folder and "boot-display.conf". You can drag and drop the files into SSH Browser panel.
- Now just restart your printer and check out that sweet new boot animation.
If for what ever reason you want to revert this change, simply use MobaXterm to login to your printer, navigate to "etc/boot-display" and delete the folder you added then open up "boot-display.conf" and change the last line from "{ <your\_gif\_name> }" to "{ part0 }"
Final note, this is mainly a proof of concept. When I get time I will rewrite the script, but for the time being it's usable.