Not really a 4th Age
I don't feel they will actually do a whole 4th age. I feel like they will extend the age into the information-future era and then just have each modern civ have a special task or quest or something to complete. Like in Victoria 3.
Once you complete the task (first) then your civ gets transformed into its advanced version. Meiji Japan becoming Japan, Russia becoming USSR, Britain becoming the UK, America becoming the USA, etc. Then those advanced civs get added benefits/skills/whatever you wanna call it.
This seems easier and makes more sense to me. So maybe like if the age is around 300 turns then like add 150 more turns to it or something. Or who knows, It could be a 4th age but not all new civs as expected. Maybe a false 4th age.
A whole new 4th age seems like too much work and I highly doubt they are going to do the whole settling on a new planet or navigating space kinda thing. Maybe just first people/research team on mars or the moon.