Could legacy paths unlock civs?
So we know that what civs are available for you depends on hostoric/geographic links, the leader you pick, and things you achieve in-game (lots of horses unlocking Mongolia), so what if some civs are unlocked by what you achieve in the legacy paths?
I was reading the France info, and it's very heavily focused on happiness and culture, which made me think about this possibility: maxing a legacy path in one age unlocks a specific civ for the next age which plays into that area. This could then be part of the "gameplay unlock" for civs rather than them all being based on collecting specific resources.
Then I went further. What if some unlocked based on a combination of different legacy paths? For example, 6 out of 7 on culture and 16 out of 20 on economic (both 80%+) in antiquity unlocks a specific civ in exploration. I feel like this would maybe be too much, but could be added for future dlc civs.
What do you guys think about this possibility? Each legacy path in antiquity and exploration unlocks a specific civ in the subsequent age.