Struggling to hit 1 million.

Hi! I've been trying to get Childe to hit 1 million for a long time now, and the highest he'll go is around 600k. I've followed videos online for rotations, teams and builds and nothing seems to be working.
He is c0 and triple crowned. This build was 2pc Wanderer's Troupe 2pc Nobless with an r1 lvl 90 aqua simulacra.
(all talents exclude 1+ level childe gives)
Bennett is c6 with 4pc nobless and r1 black sword, 6/10/11 talents
Kazuha is c0 with 4pc Viridescent, r3 iron sting, 931 EM and 6/7/8 talents
Mona is c1 with 2pc Vourukasha's Glow 2pc Nymphs' dream, r5 dragon tales /1/8 talentsI have also tried Xiangling who is at c5 with 4pc Emblem, r1 skyward spine 3/7/11 talents.
I have also used a 4pc Nymph build on Childe that has stats of 76.5/256.3 with atk of 1602 before aqua sim buff.
I can't figure out what else might be stopping him from hitting 1 million and was hoping for some guidance and ideas from my fellow Childe mains :)