cmv: Even you believe in God, you can not logically believe in any one religion and that all religions are made up.

🚨EDIT: After writing this I found out about Deism, which is the belief that the higher being/beings that created the universe, have not interacted with it since creating it. I believe is the only religion it is logically acceptable to believe in, so protent that Deism is not a religion for my claim!

I’m sure this has been discussed before but my claim is that since so many different forms of religion exist, how can you logically determine which one is correct? There has been thousands of unique religions created throughout history and I have never heard a sound argument for how you can disregard all others and choose one.

One argument I could think of for religion is a follower of a particular religion having a “religious experience,” that was specific to their religion, such as seeing Jesus for Abrahamic religions, conforming their beliefs. The problem with this for me is that many different people from different religions have reporting these experiences for many different religions, and you can’t logically discredit all religions experiences that contradict your religious views.

It also does not make sense that if one religion was true, that the God, (Not talking about religions with multiple gods for simplicity,) of that religion would only let a certain group of humans on the Earth find out about his existence. For example: A lot of religions say that if you do not devote your life to that particular faith, then you will be punished after death. These same religions also believe that God created Earth, and all life of Earth. So why would God only share the way to avoid punishment to a certain group of humans and not the other groups throughout the world that developed their own faiths. And although their have been a few cases of very similar religions being developed independently from each other, considering that there are thousands of religions, this can be passed off as coincidence.

Finally you could maybe argue that God did try to reach everyone on Earth, but people interrupted God differently, therefore created different religions. The problem with this is that I’m sure if you tried to find common ideas between every religion there would be none, as every idea from a unique faith would be contradicted by the others. Therefore, it is impossible to know what God wants us do as humans, and that if God was real, you would think you very basis of all religions would be the same, which it is not.