CMV: Jesus Was A Common Criminal
Let us be honest here. Rationally, the whole, "Jesus sacrificed himself for us to cleanse us of our sins" simply makes 0 sense. The Roman Empire used crucifixion as an execution for criminals. Simply look it up on Google. What did his "sacrifice" change? People are dying in Ukraine, Gaza and Sudan today to war. Many are incarcerated in prisons all over the world. Many suffer from mental health problems. Others are homeless. Christianity is a cause of delusion and must be overturned by science societally as regards deference
"Crucifixion was most frequently used to punish political or religious agitators, pirates, slaves, or those who had no civil rights and non-Romans for Murder, theft, piracy, rebellion of a slave against their master, sedition against Rome to name a few."
Going back to the argument of the post. Jesus was simply a criminal who was executed for a variety of crimes. He overturned the money changers tables in the temple. Doesn't that sound like agitation? He walked around telling people to be humble, "the meek shall inherit the earth", while also in a 2 faced fashion calling himself the "son of God". As a resident of Judea the Jewish religious authorities the Sanhedrin looked at him as an agitator while the Romans looked at him as a seditionist. Its just the facts based on history and logic. Look at the slave revolt of Spartacus. What did Crassus do to the slaves that rebelled? He had them crucified. Similarly Jesus was just a common criminal. The only reason the spin doctors have deluded society into thinking "his blood saves" is because Constantine converted to Christianity and it spread via him. Otherwise this overrated common criminal would have been a forgotten nobody in history, as should have been the case.