Hot flushes after sleeping
I (32F) was wondering if anyone has experienced this, I'm not sure if it's linked to my CFS.
After any time I wake up from being asleep, regardless of how long I was asleep or how I wake up, I experience very sudden hot flushes. These come on maybe within 30 seconds of waking up and last for up to 10 minutes at a time, but they are very uncomfortable to the point where I can't remain under any kind of bedding or have to remove clothes to get any relief.
At first I thought it was due to stress as I was quite stressed from life when this first started happening (maybe about a year ago it started), however in the last few weeks I've been pretty aggressively resting and managing to relax my brain more but the hot flushes are still just as bad.
My GP is often pretty unhelpful with a lot of issues I face. I talked to them about this some months ago and they put me on hydroxyzine to help me sleep better. This worked a little as I woke up less, but the flushes still happen and I've needed to come off them anyway now as they were impacting my energy more.
Has anyone with CFS got any experience with this at all? I tend to run warmer than most others anyway, using even summer bedding in the winter, but this puts it to an extreme I can't cope with!
Hope you're all having a good weekend.