Is it worth the risk taking LDN if you’re mild/moderate?

I’m mild when I’m not crashed, but moderate when I am.. I’m in a 4 week crash now so who knows if I’ll go back to mild! I’ve had CFS symptoms since March 2024, and had 5 months of what felt like a weird remission or maybe I just wasn’t crashed, but I felt so good I forgot I was sick (stupidly).

Been considering LDN but have read some people say it’s not worth it if you’re mild? It could make things worse.

I’m very sensitive to medication and also have MCAS. I have health anxiety too so I always tend to manifest bad side effects, but I want to weigh up the options to help myself as much as I can. I was going to get it on AgelessRx.

Please let me know your experiences and if you’re mild/moderate/severe etc. thank you!