I don’t know what to do when summer hits
Right now I am able to afford rent, bills, medication and other needs because I am in school. The school recognizes my disability and has me on reduced classes, but they can’t give me the full reduction because the government loan people said my doctor filled out the paper work but didn’t explain how my symptoms would affect my education.
I was rejected for disability and I’m still struggling to get it because when I got back to my doctor to fill them out again he forgot to signature a page. Now I won’t see him until the fifteenth of January.
I’m worried because when the summer comes everyone will expect me to get a job since it’s the only way I can afford to live. But I am not in the shape to work. My doctor didn’t even want me going to school. I had a job, my dream job, that I ended up leaving after a month because my body can’t handle school and work. Summer would be considered different since there is no school.
I don’t know what I’m supposed to do. If I get a job I’m worried that I’ll go severe. School is one thing because they gave me an accommodation where my teachers can’t reprimand me for missing time without notice. I can miss time and catch up. But work isn’t like that. I can’t call out for half a week or more if I’m flaring up because I went to work the day before.
Also, when I called the disability office itself they told me I can’t go on non-student disability even in the summer since I’m still considered a student at that time since I plan to go back.
I feel hopeless and terrified for the end of April when my winter term will end.