No gender stereotype appearances
All the kid characters in Bluey (and even adult ones), when you first see them. You don’t know if they are boys or girls. This is what I absolutely love about Bluey! Too often in cartoons we see girls with dresses, red lips and long lashes. This is like when you see dogs or cats on the street, you don’t know their sex until you look at their genitals. This is what children SHOULD be like, even what adults should be like. All the preferences for appearances should be individual based not gender based. I hate that clothing brands still divide little kids (even babies!) clothes into boys and girls. Bluey is such a utopia. I hope that this generation that grows up with Bluey, and hopefully many more cartoons like Bluey, can achieve a gender neutral world!
Edit: I apologize that I might not know what gender neutral means in US. My idea of gender neutral means that anyone can be anyone and can like anything. It’s absolutely fine if girls turn out to like pink or dresses or anything like that. Try everything and decide on your own. I buy all different clothes and toys for my kids.