The effects of e-bikes are very understated

I have noticed a rise in people in my area commuting with non-automotive mobility devices (i.e. bicycles, e-bikes, electric scooters, electric unicycles, etc.). Most of the growth in this segment is not coming from people using "classical" bicycles but in people using a wide array of electric mobility devices. The new people using these seem to come from a different demographic - tending to be more non-white and lower income on average than analog bike users.

I think part of the reason for this is because, in the United States, getting a commuter bike (one with fenders, lights, racks/baskets, bells, etc.) is a bit of a hassle. You usually have to buy a bicycle and equip it with the commuter essentials yourself which can be a bit daunting for someone unfamiliar with bicycles who just wants a way to get to work. By contrast, e-bikes are much more likely to come as a complete commuter vehicle with all of the bells and whistles included.

The growth of micromobility use among a new group is very exciting to me! I think it will lead to a new wave of bicycle infrastructure being built as more "coalitions" of people see benefit from said infrastructure. What are your thoughts?