If your LO sleeps TTN, HELP
Need help! I asked the pediatrician and all she said was “you’re doing the right things” well I don’t feel like I am.
For reference, my baby is 4.5 months old. She used to sleep so well, but because she was slow to gain weight, we had to wake her to feed longer than I would have wanted to do so.
Anyways, she has not slept well since we’ve been able to technically stop MOTN feed.
She sleeps from 8:30-11, we dream feed, then back to bassinet. Lately, she’s up every hour, can’t sleep unless she’s being held which I really don’t want to keep cosleeping with her because I’m not sleeping well because of it. I’ll BF her when she seems like she needs it, but this never just puts her to sleep. She’ll constantly fight sleep too, arms thrashing, etc.
I just don’t know what to do. I’m tired.