6 month old has been unbearable since birth
Had our lo in December. She was pretty good for the first two weeks, however ever since then she has just been completely intolerable. She cries over everything. She is never satisfied with an activity for longer than 5 minutes. I can never leave the room, even for a second. She needs to be held. Literally. All. The. Time. I put her on the floor, she cries. I put her in a bouncy, she cries. I try to play with her on the floor, she tolerates it for a while but I cant leave her or she loses her mind. She fights every single nap and sleep for at least an hour. Almost every night is a cry it out night. I have to let her cry it out at least once every day. I ebf for 4 months before switching her to formula to try to help her be a happier baby to no avail. I tried so many different formulas, none making her any less fussy. I tried feeding her more, feeding her differently, making her sleep more, making her sleep less, changing temperatures, doing different activities, nothing helps. It’s not that shes teething. Her pediatrician couldn’t give a rats ass to help us figure out why. Every appointment I bring it up and she tells me its normal, she looks healthy and gives me a colic information packet that basically says “your baby may cry for no reason, don’t shake your baby.” I tried to schedule a second opinion but theres only a few pediatricians accepting new patients and they’re not booking until the end of this year. I feel like it may partially be genetic as my husband was also a tough crier; even worse according to his parents but his crying was resolved at 4 months with formula.
We’re just so done. My husband and i and our family have tried everything and nothing works. She affects both of our mental health and i especially feel like this was a terrible mistake. Everyone keeps saying it’s going to get better each month but so far it’s been like a cruel joke. Everyone just says “just hold her when she cries, you cant spoil her” but because this has been going on for hours a day for 6 months straight, neither of us have the energy anymore to tolerate being in the same room as her when she cries for no reason.
Has anyone experienced this amount of fussiness? Did you try anything that helped, even just marginally?