Continue on my post thread (1000-81 blowout)

This is a thread from my previous post about the major newbie vs “pro” blowout I was in. Link here:

To anyone who’s interested in joining a newbie-friendly squad, or just anyone who’s wants to help and actually have fun: I’m opening my platoon. Xbox only, sorry PC and PS…

Here’s the info to join:

My username is the same as on here: MrKeyz0711

Platoon/Clan name: Big Rig Butters

Tag: BRB

Description (if needed): “It’s not just a choice, it’s a lifestyle.” We are open to helping new players and having fun, in which battlefield has lost a long time ago. All players from new to veterans are welcome! (To join)

I’m not sure there is applications needed to get in or if it’s just a quick join, but I’ll check tomorrow.

This is a thread from my previous post about the major newbie vs “pro” blowout I was in. Link here:

To anyone who’s interested in joining a newbie-friendly squad, or just anyone who’s wants to help and actually have fun: I’m opening my platoon. Xbox only, sorry PC and PS…

Here’s the info to join:

My username is the same as on here: MrKeyz0711

Platoon/Clan name: Big Rig Butters

Tag: BRB

Description (if needed): “It’s not just a choice, it’s a lifestyle.” We are open to helping new players and having fun, in which battlefield has lost a long time ago. All players from new to veterans are welcome! (To join)

I’m not sure there is applications needed to get in or if it’s just a quick join, but I’ll check tomorrow.